A lesson on asset re-use and the laws of 3D printing

  • Step 1 - Think outside the box

    My friend had just hit two milestones - new wheels on his car, and a new apartment of his very own.

    “Coasters that look like his wheels would make a great housewarming gift!”, I thought.

  • Step 2 - Design coffee table stand and mock up

    Get excited, ya know?

    This is looking really cool and it even has a neat little storage option at this point. How cute.

  • Step 3 - Break your printer for months

    All you have to do is royally mess up your printer and then YOU TOO can fail to deliver a gift that you had been planning for weeks. This one is literally still on the roster months later, sorry Dalton.


Aftermarket Wheel Recreations


ASSA Twin 6000 Key Generator